The Yaquina Bay Bridge

August 19, 2020  •  1 Comment

This is the Yaquina Bay Bridge in Newport, Oregon. Designed by Conde McCullough, it was completed in 1936. McCullough designed many bridges, including 11 major bridges on the US Highway 101 in Oregon, of which this is one. The concrete finials on the main piers speak to McCullough's design philosophy of striving for beauty as well as economy and efficiency. The bridge is certainly beautiful, as are the views of Newport and the Yaquina Bay it affords. 

This is looking from the north. There are nice viewing platforms on this side of the bridge and though parking in the adjacent town (just a couple of hundred yards away) can be problematic due to tourist congestion, I had no trouble parking by the viewing platform. The US 101 in Oregon is well-worth driving with with stunning coastline views. The Yaquina Bay Bridge was a bonus.  


Beth Rutter(non-registered)
Beautiful - perfect balance of man-made linearity and the flow of the river!
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